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Monday, August 10, 2009

AdBrite is the one of many of advertising program website that you can use to monitize your blog by displaying their ads on your blog. You can select the type of ad you want to show the form of text link ad, a banner or a combination of both. If you choose the text link ad, then you will get pnghasilan based on the number of click or Pay per Click (PPC).

In addition, if the advertiser is interested to place their ads on your blog with a flat rate system, then you can get a flat that is not earning the amount of tergantungdari click, but such a contract. For example, the ad for one week and charge $ 10 per day, then your earnings are $ 70 in a week. That is only one ad for it and if one in ten blogs have a similar ad, then you certainly earn more.

Textlink ad using a PPC base, so income is calculated based on the number of ads by the visitor clicked. Dollar-per-click value varies between $ 0.01 to $ 0.4 per click.


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